DNA Guided Health, Beauty, and Wellness

Educate yourself as we discover why our genetic makeup plays a big part in not only who we are ... but how we age and what health propensities we will need to focus on as we age. Find out what your SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) are and what organic natural products are available to help you.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

LDL Cholestoral - What Your Genes Reveal

The science behind the Lifemap Nutrition System is truly fascinating.

Chances are, what you’re about to read is a completely new way of looking at LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff!) and if you or someone you know struggles with high cholesterol, read on….this is interesting stuff!

First, let me explain how Genewize’s patented DNA test really works.

1.You receive a test kit in the mail, complete with instructions.

2.Swab the inside of your cheek to remove a layer of skin cells.

3.Allow the cotton swab to dry before putting it into the pre-paid envelop and sending to Genewize’s secure lab.

4.Lab technicians analyze your DNA looking particularly at 12 areas on your DNA, called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms).

5.The results of the 12 SNPs shows how the related genes are expressed.

6.Your customized nutritional formula is titrated (mixed up) based on your unique results and the nutrients your body is given regulates the expression of those genes.

So, how does this relate to LDL cholesterol levels?

Well, that’s what I wanted to know…so I did a little research and this is what I found.

LDL (the bad cholesterol) has a protein component called APoB. Without APoB, LDL cannot form.

Now, as you know, your doc checks LDL levels as an indicator of your risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). But what I just learned, and am sharing with you now, is that LDL is in fact not as good an indicator of CHD as is APoB.

Remeber, LDL cannot form without APoB.

So, if we take a look at how our bodies form APoB and at what level, then we’ve got a pretty good indication of CHD risk.

Cool. So how is this done, right?

Well, that’s the interesting part about nutrigenomics (the study of how nutrition and genetics interact). What we can do now is peer into the APoB gene…and guess what?

If you have certain SNPs on the APoB gene, production of APoB increases and in turn….you got it…LDL levels increase as well.

So, here’s the good news.

If you have the genetic predisposition to increased APoB production, you can receive an APoB SNP boost in your LifeMap Nutritional formula which provides dietary ingredients to reduce ApoB production, reduce LDL and prevent LDL oxidation.

…and this is just ONE part of the genetic assessment Genewize has made so inexpensive for all of us to be able to peek into our genetic code and provide ourselves with the nutrients our bodies uniquely need.

Yours in health,

Thank you to Jenn Lawlor for sharing this information.

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