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DNA Guided Health, Beauty, and Wellness
Educate yourself as we discover why our genetic makeup plays a big part in not only who we are ... but how we age and what health propensities we will need to focus on as we age. Find out what your SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) are and what organic natural products are available to help you.
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Saturday, October 31, 2009
DNA Guided Health in the News!
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
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Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing skin serum
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Quality Control
Careful Steps to Perfect Products
Priority Number One: Quality Control
At the recent One of a Kind GeneWize Celebration, Dr. Donald J. Cannon reminded all guests how fully committed both GeneLink and GeneWize are to the precepts of quality control. Dr. Cannon who received his A.B. in Chemistry from Harvard College and a M.A. in Medical Sciences and a Ph.D in Biochemistry from Boston University is currently Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Forensic Sciences program at the University of Tampa. In addition to serving as Laboratory Director in Forensic Toxicology, National Manager of Operations Excellence and National Manager of Special Projects in Business Ventures at Quest Diagnostics, he has over 130 publications and has received numerous awards related to clinical laboratory medicine, laboratory management and teaching.
Standing at the podium, Dr. Cannon emphasized with his presentation that when you’re in the business of creating personalized solutions specifically designed to support each individual body, ensuring quality is priority number one.
That’s why at GeneWize, quality control takes center stage:
•Achieved by identifying failure, seeking the root cause and taking corrective/preventive action
•Infrastructure is in place (committee manuals, policies and documents).
•Gap Analysis continues to examine workflow paths.
GeneWize offers the only patented, FDA reviewed, non-invasive, self-administered DNA collection system available. The process is easy to understand, simple to do and takes just a few minutes. Simply swab the inside of your mouth (your inner cheek), and mail the swabs back to our laboratory in the special envelopes. Everything, along with easy-to-follow instructions and quality assurance, is included:
•DNA collection kits are bar coded and scanned for security and tracked throughout the process for quality control reporting using LIMS & Bio Informatics Tracking Systems
•All DNA Samples are destroyed after genotyping
•GeneLink is dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all consumers information—No information is shared...Period
Once at the lab:
•All DNA samples are analyzed bi-directionally; meaning that both strands are tested in both directions and must agree
•Very few labs, if any, test both strands of DNA. This ensures our repeatability to over 99%.
•Sentinel samples & Coriell cell lines samples are included in every batch to insure quality control. These results must agree before our systems allow any batch results to be uploaded.
•Labs are Certified by CLIA & CAP
During the manufacturing process, quality control of individual ingredients prior to blending is the most important step:
•All ingredients are purchased from various reputable, well-established and high-quality manufacturers, most are vertically-integrated (farm processing).
•All ingredients are NSF GMP certified and tested for quality, purity,strength and consistency
•All macronutrients, nutritional compounds, vitamins and minerals, are USP/NF grade. (United States Pharmacopeia/ National Formulary)
•USP/NF is an official public standards–setting authority for all prescription, over–the–counter medicines and widely recognized food and dietary ingredients.
•A Certificate of Analysis (C of A) from all ingredient manufacturers is required for every individual ingredient and in-house retesting of these ingredients is conducted to confirm quality, including:
◦Heavy metal content
◦Microbiological testing (e.g. total plate count, pathogens, yeast and molds)
◦Moisture content
◦Particle size
◦Photochemical content
◦Extraction ratio (solvent to raw material ratio) Bulk and/or tap density
◦ORAC values (oxygen radical absorbance capacity)
All the steps involved during manufacturing (formula blending, quality control testing, capsule filling) all have one goal in common - QUALITY!
Priority Number One: Quality Control
At the recent One of a Kind GeneWize Celebration, Dr. Donald J. Cannon reminded all guests how fully committed both GeneLink and GeneWize are to the precepts of quality control. Dr. Cannon who received his A.B. in Chemistry from Harvard College and a M.A. in Medical Sciences and a Ph.D in Biochemistry from Boston University is currently Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Forensic Sciences program at the University of Tampa. In addition to serving as Laboratory Director in Forensic Toxicology, National Manager of Operations Excellence and National Manager of Special Projects in Business Ventures at Quest Diagnostics, he has over 130 publications and has received numerous awards related to clinical laboratory medicine, laboratory management and teaching.
Standing at the podium, Dr. Cannon emphasized with his presentation that when you’re in the business of creating personalized solutions specifically designed to support each individual body, ensuring quality is priority number one.
That’s why at GeneWize, quality control takes center stage:
•Achieved by identifying failure, seeking the root cause and taking corrective/preventive action
•Infrastructure is in place (committee manuals, policies and documents).
•Gap Analysis continues to examine workflow paths.
GeneWize offers the only patented, FDA reviewed, non-invasive, self-administered DNA collection system available. The process is easy to understand, simple to do and takes just a few minutes. Simply swab the inside of your mouth (your inner cheek), and mail the swabs back to our laboratory in the special envelopes. Everything, along with easy-to-follow instructions and quality assurance, is included:
•DNA collection kits are bar coded and scanned for security and tracked throughout the process for quality control reporting using LIMS & Bio Informatics Tracking Systems
•All DNA Samples are destroyed after genotyping
•GeneLink is dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all consumers information—No information is shared...Period
Once at the lab:
•All DNA samples are analyzed bi-directionally; meaning that both strands are tested in both directions and must agree
•Very few labs, if any, test both strands of DNA. This ensures our repeatability to over 99%.
•Sentinel samples & Coriell cell lines samples are included in every batch to insure quality control. These results must agree before our systems allow any batch results to be uploaded.
•Labs are Certified by CLIA & CAP
During the manufacturing process, quality control of individual ingredients prior to blending is the most important step:
•All ingredients are purchased from various reputable, well-established and high-quality manufacturers, most are vertically-integrated (farm processing).
•All ingredients are NSF GMP certified and tested for quality, purity,strength and consistency
•All macronutrients, nutritional compounds, vitamins and minerals, are USP/NF grade. (United States Pharmacopeia/ National Formulary)
•USP/NF is an official public standards–setting authority for all prescription, over–the–counter medicines and widely recognized food and dietary ingredients.
•A Certificate of Analysis (C of A) from all ingredient manufacturers is required for every individual ingredient and in-house retesting of these ingredients is conducted to confirm quality, including:
◦Heavy metal content
◦Microbiological testing (e.g. total plate count, pathogens, yeast and molds)
◦Moisture content
◦Particle size
◦Photochemical content
◦Extraction ratio (solvent to raw material ratio) Bulk and/or tap density
◦ORAC values (oxygen radical absorbance capacity)
All the steps involved during manufacturing (formula blending, quality control testing, capsule filling) all have one goal in common - QUALITY!
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing skin serum
Monday, October 26, 2009
Quick Genetic Tutorial
Within every human cell is an individual’s blueprint for life —their DNA. DNA contains the master information that is needed to construct and maintain the human body.
DNA is long. About six feet long, to be exact, if you took the DNA contained within one cell and stretched it end to end. There are several different ways that these long strands of DNA can be divided into smaller pieces.
1. Chromosomes
The largest unit of DNA is a chromosome. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes inside of our cells: one set from each parent. These 23 pairs contain all of our genetic information.
2. Genes
The next unit down is a gene, which is simply a sequence of DNA that corresponds to a particular inheritable trait. There is a gene for hair color, for example, and a gene for height. We get one gene from each parent for each inheritable trait. These are called alleles. The main job of each gene is to encode — or tell the body how to build —different proteins. While that may seem like a small job, proteins serve many critical functions in the body. Enzymes, for example, are proteins.
3. Nucleotides
The smallest unit is a nucleotide, which is the “building block” of DNA. Nucleotides are tiny: less than one millionth of a millimeter!
On a strictly DNA basis, humans are surprisingly alike. Despite our apparent differences, the DNA between any two people is 99.1% identical. That 0.9% variation in DNA, however, is hugely important, accounting for all of our genetic differences.
Small variations in DNA are called polymorphisms. Blood type is a common human polymorphism. Depending on the order in which the nucleotides in your DNA line up, you could have blood type A, B, A/B, or O. Some polymorphisms are so small, they affect the order of just one pair of nucleotides. These are called single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs (pronounced “snips”).
There are about 10 million SNPs in the human genome. Most of these SNPs occur in the DNA between genes and account for non-consequential differences.
However, some SNPs occur in the DNA within genes. These SNPs can have a dramatic impact on human health. They can predict how you will react to certain drugs. They can determine how susceptible you will be to environmental toxins. And they can cause you to produce faulty proteins that have a negative impact on the functioning of the body, and may lead to diminished health and wellness.
More to come ..
Yours in health,
Thank you to Genewize for providing the above information.
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing skin serum
Thursday, October 22, 2009
DNA vs URINE Analysis
By Tom Wood - Genewize Affiliate
I met a doctor in Houston recently who gave me a great understanding of the difference in DNA Analysis and Urine (metabolic) Analysis. They are both important but here’s how they are different.
- DNA is prevention. Metabolic is reaction.
- DNA is foundational. Metabolic is functional.
- Your DNA never changes. Metabolics change daily.
- Fix the foundation first (GeneWize). Then test the functions (multiple tests).
Here are some points he brought up.
Your DNA never changes. If you address this first, then you can address your Lifestyle knowing you have the base down.
The Foundation Metaphor
The GeneWize Difference
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing skin serum
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
ME = Made Exclusively
LifeMap ME DNA Customized Nutritional Supplements
After you've peeked into your genetic window with the LifeMap Healthy Aging DNA Assessment, you can answer what you find with a personalized custom blend of phytonutrients and rich antioxidants. These 3rd party clinically proven ingredients are targeted to optimize and support: bone and heart health, lung and breast tissue health, immune health, eye health, joint health, skin health, brain and cognitive health and your defense against pollutants.
LifeMap ME DNA Customized Skin Repair Serum
Our custom skin repair product is called "ME" for a reason. It's "Made Exclusively" for you and it's really all about YOU—your specific needs in areas like photo-aging, collagen breakdown, wrinkling, skin aging, mild irritation, and your ability to tolerate pollutants.
Whether you're a man, woman, young or old—these skin aging issues apply and having a customized solution to them that could make THE difference in helping you outsmart them.
Clinically Proven:
•70% saw reduction in visible lines & wrinkles
•70% saw improvement in skin firmness
Enjoy yours free by having 4 others (only four!) join you at genewize!
Yours in health,
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing skin serum
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Take Age Proofing to a Whole New Level
Your Genetic Level
Now you can discover your predispositions for aging including cardiovascular, joint, lung and breast tissue health, immune health, brain and eye health, how well you detoxify pollutants as well as to discover what makes your skin age from oxidative damage, environmental stresses, irritation, collagen breakdown and photo-aging. After examining your DNA, GeneWize will create your personalized formula for nutritional supplements and skin repair serum with 100% active ingredients individually selected to enhance or diminish the biological processes causing you to age. You are the one and only you, and GeneWize is the one and only direct marketing company specializing in genetically customized nutritional and skin care formulas. When you're holding your GeneWize products, you can say without a doubt, "It's all about me! Made Exclusively for me!"
Yours in health,
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing skin serum
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
LDL Cholestoral - What Your Genes Reveal
The science behind the Lifemap Nutrition System is truly fascinating.
Chances are, what you’re about to read is a completely new way of looking at LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff!) and if you or someone you know struggles with high cholesterol, read on….this is interesting stuff!
First, let me explain how Genewize’s patented DNA test really works.
1.You receive a test kit in the mail, complete with instructions.
2.Swab the inside of your cheek to remove a layer of skin cells.
3.Allow the cotton swab to dry before putting it into the pre-paid envelop and sending to Genewize’s secure lab.
4.Lab technicians analyze your DNA looking particularly at 12 areas on your DNA, called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms).
5.The results of the 12 SNPs shows how the related genes are expressed.
6.Your customized nutritional formula is titrated (mixed up) based on your unique results and the nutrients your body is given regulates the expression of those genes.
So, how does this relate to LDL cholesterol levels?
Well, that’s what I wanted to know…so I did a little research and this is what I found.
LDL (the bad cholesterol) has a protein component called APoB. Without APoB, LDL cannot form.
Now, as you know, your doc checks LDL levels as an indicator of your risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). But what I just learned, and am sharing with you now, is that LDL is in fact not as good an indicator of CHD as is APoB.
Remeber, LDL cannot form without APoB.
So, if we take a look at how our bodies form APoB and at what level, then we’ve got a pretty good indication of CHD risk.
Cool. So how is this done, right?
Well, that’s the interesting part about nutrigenomics (the study of how nutrition and genetics interact). What we can do now is peer into the APoB gene…and guess what?
If you have certain SNPs on the APoB gene, production of APoB increases and in turn….you got it…LDL levels increase as well.
So, here’s the good news.
If you have the genetic predisposition to increased APoB production, you can receive an APoB SNP boost in your LifeMap Nutritional formula which provides dietary ingredients to reduce ApoB production, reduce LDL and prevent LDL oxidation.
…and this is just ONE part of the genetic assessment Genewize has made so inexpensive for all of us to be able to peek into our genetic code and provide ourselves with the nutrients our bodies uniquely need.
Yours in health,
Thank you to Jenn Lawlor for sharing this information.
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
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Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Birth of Genewize
GeneWize LifeSciences is a ground floor network marketing company that just launched publicly August 1st of 2008. But the technology behind it is in no way new...
It is actually an idea that was born over 14 years ago when a group of medical doctors and scientists got together with a vision...
They saw genetics as the future, and knew that with the deteriorating health of the people in our world today, DNA customized nutrition would be a revolutionary leap in wellness.
They understood the lack of nutritional support being served by today's "one-size-fits-all" supplements. They knew that it was time for this "shot gun" approach to health to be transformed into a laser targeted beam... An exact look into the genetics of each individual and a completely personalized approach to nutrition.
They formed GeneLink Biosciences, a biotechnology company dedicated to cracking the genetics and nutrition code. They worked diligently for over 14 years WITHOUT monetary compensation (only stock shares). Their passion, expertise, and dedication resulted in the emergence of the first ever genetically customized nutritional process.
The scientists of GeneLink are some of the most prestigious in the industry. Dr. Bernie Kasten, who is now the Chief Medical Officer for GeneLink, was the Chief Laboratory Officer for Quest Diagnostics, one of the largest diagnostics labs in the world. There are 5 other world-class MD's and scientists who are also on the Scientific Advisory Board.
They have received numerous awards in areas of nutrition, genetics, biology, and chemistry and currently have over 600 peer reviewed journal publications in circulation.
They now have 3 patents and 15 patents pending on their unique and CUTTING-EDGE technology and science.
They have discovered 12 DNA "snips" in our genetic code that are precise indicators of how healthy we are in different areas... everything from cardiovascular health, bone health, oxidative stress, detoxification, collagen production, and vision.
Through GeneLink's DNA assessment, they can determine each individual's genetic predispositions, genetic deficiencies, and absorption capacities.
Not only that, but they have also MASTERED the art of Nutrigenomics, the study of nutrition and genetics. They can use this assessment of our genes to determine which vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants we need to improve and even rejuvenate our DNA.
Once the development of mass customized genetic nutrition came to fruition, GeneLink assessed all of the different distribution methods available...
And decided wholeheartedly to go with network marketing... Not only because it is the most lucrative, but also because it is proven to be the most effective.
With that came the birth of GeneWize... the ONLY direct selling subsidiary of GeneLink's revolutionary science and technology.
Now that GeneLink has the patented technology for consumer based genetic products, they will be rolling out an entire pipeline of products through GeneWize in the very near future... everything from genetically customized skin care, make-up, and energy bars to supplements geared towards cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.
The implications for this in our world are absolutely ENORMOUS.
Yours in health,
Information shared by Katie Frieling, Genewize Affiliate
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
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Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing
Friday, October 2, 2009
Genewize Ribbon Cutting at Metro North Chamber of Commerce in Colorado
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
"Rhonda Maguire",
Metro North,
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Ribbon Cutting
Superbowl MVP Partners with Genewize
Ray Lewis is using Genewize’s Life Map Nutrition. Life Map is a customized nutritional formula that is based on your DNA. This is a revolution in the health and wellness industry. What is exciting is that the company does not pay professional athletes to endorse the product. With all the products these atheletes are given, it is so refreshing to see that an athlete is talking about the product that he uses and his affiliation with the company because “it works”, not because he is getting paid millions for an endorsement. However, Ray Lewis’s endorsement may put money in his pocket, you see, Ray believes in this product so much, that he has become an affiliate.
Ray Lewis Cover Story On Genewize:
To learn more about being an affiliate or customer of Life Map Nutrition, CLICK HERE
Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens is a Super Bowl MVP, 8 x Pro Bowl, 7 x AP Selection, 5 x NFL Tackle Leader, 2 x AP NFL Defensive Player of the year)
Yours in health,
Rhonda Maguire
Thank you to David Kelsey for providing this information on his website.
Labels: Rhonda Maguire, DNA, Genewize, vitamins
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Rhonda Maguire Genewize Vitamins Supplements DNA genetic testing skin serum
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